186k +
Healthcare Providers
484k +
Verified Doctors
2 Million +
People Helped

About Celebricare

Welcome to Celebricare, your trusted resource for connecting with clinical professionals, life coaches, psychiatrists, and treatment centers offering mental health services in the United States and around the globe. While it may appear straightforward, the inner workings of our directory, which enable precise local provider searches, are the culmination of years of dedicated design and research. Our mission is to continually enhance our service to provide clients with a seamless and straightforward way to explore their options during challenging times. Each professional pays a consistent monthly fee for participation, ensuring a level playing field for all. We go to great lengths to maintain accurate information while empowering professionals to manage their own content without bias or prejudice. Our service is managed by a dedicated team. Behind our platform, there are real people who are always eager to assist you. We understand that the Internet can sometimes feel frustrating and impersonal, so we are committed to demystifying it and making it more approachable. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us if you have questions or need assistance.

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Professional team

Michael Birnholz


Susan Hyatt


Connor Birnholz

VP of Customer Service

Dynasty Birnholz

Emotional Support

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